Untitled-2Dick Detective has an EXCLUSIVE SCOOP for you today! British gay porn site Blake Mason will soon be reaching their 1,000th scene, and to celebrate they have something very special in store.

Blake Mason's 1,000th scene will feature SIX of the hottest performers, those being; Mickey Taylor, Riley Tess, Luke Desmond, Sam Bishop, Dylan Thorne, and Damian Gomez. I have an EXCLUSIVE image below of all six of these guys on set together, plus a few other photos gathered from some of the guy's twitter accounts which I'll include below for you too.

Keep the date for this special scene – it's going live on the 26th October and you know it's going to be HOT! Visit Blake Mason here.

@MickeyTOfficial  @riley_tess  @DylanThorneXXX  @sambishopxxx  @LukeDesmondXXX  @damiangomezxxx


Click here to visit Blake Mason